
*These specially designed products that are green in their design and operation.
They may be sold for delivery anywhere in the world by GrKD

GrKD GreaZ®Zapper ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS- a patented modular ESP that is low initial cost, low installation cost, low operation cost and low maintenance cost- a real breakthrough. They come in three sizes 2000, 4000 and 8000 CFM which are 95% efficient ASTM 2519. An additional 25% CFM capacity is available with SmokeS®Stoppa media filters.It is recommended to use these with higher efficiency hood filters such as Captrate™ Solo filters


GrKD REV-LOW EXHAUST HOODS- a unique breakthrough (patent pending) in hood technology that features the lowest UL approved exhaust air volumes for specific cooking equipment. The operating principle is more of a steady-state vapor removal as opposed to the standard first contain- then remove design of all other hoods. These hoods are feature fixed extractors, in either dry or water wash varieties. Energy savings are achieved through less make-up air tempering costs, potentially smaller fans and smaller pollution control devices.

I/O/S Manual

Captrate™ SOLO GREASE FILTERS- a patented, breakthrough in grease removal technology for hood filters and retrofits. These filters are up to 60% efficient integrated across the 0.1 through 10 um particle size range, This greater efficiency can translate to up to double the savings on precipitator servicing costs.


Geo-Vary™ Adjustable Hood Filters (retrofit)- these filters, while large, can produce similar savings as Rev-Low hood and indeed were original basis of its design. Available in 16 and 20 inch heights and widths- the positioning of the baffle from 1 to 5 regulates the airflow over each appliance. A good solution for existing kitchens with capture and containment problems.


GrKD Select hoods- fully welded (non of that caulk stuff) hoods, built like tanks with stiffeners and all the accoutrements for the reduced energy kitchen

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