Real Cool Foods


This project was a redesign from a full wash electrostatic precipitator to two manual KES-4 units. The objective was to eliminate the expensive installation associated with a large wash precipitator. The five hoods in the kitchen included the two type II hoods. To reduce maintenance frequency, these hoods were fitted with Captrate Hood filters. All make-up air was brought in through face supply plenums. The Captrate filters and two KES-4 units were obtained for the same cost as the wash precipitator. Maintenance will be done in house for significant savings. Installation costs were much less, since no plumbing was required. The inspector was rather stringent and insisted that we install air monitoring systems with alarms and grease drains for each precipitator, which we did.

Owner has plans to convert to a customized chain broiler, which was accounted for in future expansion.


Really Cool Foods Kitchen Control Center

Really Cool Foods Kitchen Hoods

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