How can I maintain system flexibility for future growth or change in my kitchen operations?

    Often in a cafeteria or food court, it is anticipated that rearrangements of cooking equipment are likely to occur on a periodic basis. There are several designs that will facilitate these changes at either none or minimal future expense. One is to utilize what is called a flexible utility distribution center which has appliance drops every foot or so; second is to utilize a Piranha™ fire suppression system that covers all appliances regardless of their type or arrangement under the hood; third is to select a larger fan and utilize a variable frequency drive that can limit the air for the initial design (and could be installed with a throttling back control for non-cooking periods); hood collar balancing dampers should be selected and finally for a precipitator a double pass unit would be selected with each pass rated for 95% DOP removal, thus allowing for up to a doubling of the initial cam calculation.


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